Thursday, May 19, 2011

Brown bear, brown bear, what the fuck do you see?

Hi, I have started a blog in hopes of returning America to economic security.

Anyway, two males from pop culture have largely defined my life. And by that I mean I know little about them but tend to whip out their names as party tricks when I'm drunk and awkward. Who wouldn't succumb to my magnetic attraction as I touch briefly on astrophysics, child psychology and the inherent connections. (The brief name-drops are by default-- not because I'm modest but because I word vomit exclusively from my faulty memory.) So, maybe I texturize my stories. I get it from my mother. So what, who cares?

Oh fuck, I forgot to tell you who the two males are. Carl Sagan and Eric Carle. Carls are an entertaining part of my life. When I was 7ish, I hung out with this angsty (premature rage was one of the many things we had in common) kid named Carl. Or maybe it was Karl. Whatever, he was a dinosaur hog so playing time travel with him always totally blowed. Dinosaurs become a fascination of mine after the book Dinotopia, which I read when I was little. It pretty much jump-started my interest in philosophy. Later, sitting alone by my big window and reading with the sun glaring into my eyeballs, I explored utopias further (I read it at least 30 times--OCD). But before I could do that, I just ate some nuggs and drew all over my Barbies with Sharpies. I was a pretty destructive kid. Not menacingly, just naturally have an experimental disposition.
NOTE: This is a stream-of-consciousness blog, written by an ADHD/OCD/etc. case. Good luck reading it, assholes!
Carl Sagan is the only thing that motivated me to attend 7:15 am physics during junior year of high school. Gary Loftus, that stud of an instructor, played Carl Sagan when he was annoyed by my god-awful honors class.

Knowledge nuggets of pure gold. Fucking genius. Who can make physics entertaining to idiots attending art school? See virtual man above.

As for the art school thing, yeah I said it. Don't call me a pretentious d-bag. I'm not one, at least that's what Jeff Koons said about me. All in good jest. But seriously, I go to school in South Dakota. Get real.NeversaidIwasHotShit.  Seriously though, as I reexamine my artistic roots, it's really inspirational to see what shaped my visual language. Fake Courbet and Degas paintings, lots of How Things Work and science books, odd children's stories and subpar crayon drawings.

Moral of the story: I can't decide whether Newt Gingrich's or Donald Trump's "presidential campaigns" is more entertaining.

For my first ever bloggytime closing, I will redirect you to this website.
